My Weight Loss Mentality

3 min readMay 28, 2024
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

I want to lose weight!”

Sounds familiar?

Most of us at some point in time have faced a barrage of insecure feelings about our weight gain. Some of us took to the gym, did sports actively, and tried to eat clean. Some resorted to calorie counting to quantify exactly what they consumed on a daily basis. For some unfortunately, all these efforts went completely in vain.

This is my weight loss journey from “Overweight” to “Healthy”, and how my simplistic (trust me, it’s very simple) mentality and approach towards weight loss has led me to maintaining a healthy BMI till date.

A decade ago I was 20 years old. I was a very carefree kid, and all I enjoyed was food and lots of it !

At that age, it never occured to me that my weight was at a whopping 89 kg. For context, I was probably around 174cm tall. Suffice to say, I was living my life in complete oblivion.


I was due for National Service (NS) enlistment in 7 months time. Knowing that it would demand a certain level of fitness, I began questioning myself if my suffering would be accentuated given the state of my fitness. I was well aware of how my relatively fitter friends were suffering physically in the service. With inaction, I knew my struggle would be worse.

